Creating useful content ( text, images, videos and links to other resources )

If you are running a website for your business, it’s all too easy just to copy content from a supplier’s or competitor’s brochure and/or website or use images or videos that have been used hundreds of times before. Google can pickup up copied / replicated content all too easy nowadays, so if you want your website and web pages to appear high up within Google’s Search Engine Results Pages, you need to create unique, interesting, informative and useful website pages.

It won’t matter what your business is, you will have skills and knowledge you can bring into your web pages that differentiate you from the competition OR at least from the top pages already on Page 1 of Google.

Structuring web page content to provide useful information, interesting facts and compelling reasons to encourage visitors to try a product or at least request further information is a must. Also, providing other resources ( links to third party information sites ) will improve how Google and users view your website.

There are many ways to develop high quality web pages and a Google SEO Consultant can bring creative and sound business ideas to the table.