With Google indicating an update to their search engine algorithm for April 2015, it’s little wonder design and seo agencies are getting excited – it’s another opportunity to sell something!

Are we being sceptical or is the new update anything to worry about?

Firstly, no business owner should ever worry about Google Algorithm updates, as long as the website is being managed and promoted legitimately online.

Secondly, Google are always updating the algorithm to improve search engine results and with the emergence of smartphones and tablets, it’s little wonder that Google are encouraging website owners to move across to responsive web design and they will offer a slight boosting rank too!

If you are enjoying page 1 rankings today, it’s worth checking out your competition to see if anyone else is running responsive wen design – if they are – now’s the time to go about upgrading your website.


What is responsive design?

In a nutshell, your website ‘responds’ to how a visitor is accessing your website, whether it be via a mobile, tablet or computer. Rather than ‘squeeze’ your website in as best as possible (which reduces everything including text size) your website becomes user friendly and text can be read clearly – even on a mobile. There is a whole manner of options that can be used and with the right application – one design can really fit all devices.

Responsive web design is therefore a lot more economical than having 3 different designs (mobile, tablet and computer) and for the majority of businesses in the UK, it’s going to be the way forward.

What is involved?

Re-building the site will need to be done and this is available across a number of software platforms, including standard HTML, using Adobe Dreamweaver and similar software packages, PHP using WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla (plus similar) and Javascript.

Can I keep the same design?

In most cases yes, but it does pay to stay flexible as you may be able to make some subtle changes that really do enhance user experience across all formats.

Is it expensive?

Most web designers can build responsive websites now, so you should not be held to ransom on price – shop around!

I am struggling to find a company to do this for me – where can I go?

If you are really struggling, please contact us and provide us with your location in the notes. We will help you find the right person or company to help you.