If you are a business trying to generate interest, enquiries and/or sales in your products and services, the days of simply filling your website with general information have come to an end.

A website must be used in a variety of ways to help potential customers gauge how competent and passionate you are in your chosen industry.

Here’s a question for you: Does your website demonstrate you are experts in your field, truly passionate about what you do? In most cases, the answer will be no, so now is a great time to review your website on the basis of how interesting and engaging it is to the outside world.

The more you can engage people with interesting articles relating to your business and show how passionate you are as a business by evidencing this through images, videos etc, you achieve two important factors:

1. You engage with people and encourage them to have a good look around your site
2. You encourage people to share your website with others via social media, blogs, forums and information sites

It takes little time during the course of a business day or week, to generate interesting articles, closely related to your business industry. Your website needs to be better tapped into as a PR machine too, so why not give it a try? You will be amazed by the results if you commit to a 3 month trial!